Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is kinda naughty but it made me smile.


Amy said...

I LOVE THIS!!!! It's great! You weren't kidding about working hard on this blog!! Good for you! Thanks for the excitement about the pregnancy. We're pretty excited too!! Keep checking back for updates!

Paulette said...

'm so glad you have a blog so I can keep up better on what is going on with your family. We have one too. pauletteandsteve@blogspot.com

Your family is sure growing fast. I wouldn't have recognized your boys if I pasted them.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I got your message today. Thanks. So good to hear from you. I have been keeping up with Amy for a few weeks now. She seems so happy! You have some nice looking boys! They sure have grown quickly. It sounds like you are doing good also. We are in Boise now. We love it here. Can you believe my oldest is in High School? I can't. I am officially on the older side now! Ha! HA! Thanks for the visit to my blog. Keep in touch I would love to hear how your kids are doing!