Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ladies Game Night - BuNCo and PoKeNo

Here is part of our pokeno group. Not every one could attend our little night away but we had loads of fun anyway.
Pokeno is just like Bingo. A group of ladies from my ward/church get together and play once a month. Leslie and Alicia are holding up the cards we play on. This month we went up to Leslies logde in Lava Hot Springs. After we played the game we went down to the river to sit in the Hot Springs. I found the water to be incredibly hot but very relaxing. We enjoyed a movie (a chick flic of course)after we got back. It was just like a grown up slumber party with games, food, fun and lots of laughs.

Once a month I go and play Bunco with a group of ladies in my town. It is a nice break and a chance to have some fun with friends. Thanks for the GOOD TIMES.

There are twelve ladies that participate in our Bunco Group. We take turns going to each others houses. The hostess provides a snack and is respondsible for buying the gifts. Bunco is a game that requires no skill but lots of luck. We rotate from table to table, play, visit, eat and hopefully win.

Roll the dice and try to get as many points as possible.


M.S. said...

When I hosted Bunco in June, I had my camera read to take photos so I could blog about it. I so forgot to! Like you, I carry my camera everywhere! How sad that you blog about both of these groups and I wasn't even there! I just have too much on my plate... by the way, I owe you Pokeno Money for next time.

Paulette said...

I have joined a bunco group also here is St. George, it is fun....Steve keeps telling me I'm gambling because we win prizes, I just enjoy the laughing and fun time with women. I think I will blog about it next time it is my turn.

twinsand2boys said...

Hey Ruthy! Found your blog while blog hopping tonight! How the heck are ya? I know Karen from your bunco group...I used to babysit her kids...does that make me old? LOL